Are there any course prerequisites?

There are no requirements in the courses.

How much are the courses?

The courses vary in prices. The CPR and AED courses are 60$. The First Aid course is 35$. For the CPR, AED, and First Aid course, the course price is 85$.

How long are the classes?

CPR and AED are two hours. First aid class is a hour. All together is 3 hours.

Where do I pay my class fees?

We accept credit card payments made through PaySimple. To pay for you 50% Down payment or Full Course payment click the link below.


How long is my certification valid for?

All of our certifications are valid for two years. After two years, you will have to be re-certified. You will have to take the class again for re-certification.

Are there any other class days/times offered by ACI?

At ACI, we try to open class times based on our student's schedules. We have open courses on Saturday mornings from 8 am to 12 pm. Contact us at [email protected] for our class times and schedules.